www.facilityaxs.net - FacilityAXS.net
Announcements / News / Press Release

Announcements & Notices

Celebrating Successful Growth Since 2017

The announcements presented below include activities that make FacilityAXS™️ a relevant source of information specific to the needs of our member businesses

Average Growth Rate 500 New Members / Seven Days

As of January 2023, our Average Growth Rate was more than 500 new members every 7 days, and have now exceeded 95,000+ businesses listed members from Around the Globe.

According to the US Small Business Profile, as of January 2021, there are 32.5 million small businesses in the US alone. 

Since launching in 2017, our membership now includes thousands of companies worldwide, including from the following countries; 
  • North America and Canada, to the Pacific Region, including Hawaii, Thailand, Singapore, and Australia; 
  • From the Caribbean Islands to the Northern and Southern Atlantic Region,  
  • From Europe (the United Kingdom, Ireland, etc.), to Africa, South America, and
  • Countries in Asia (India, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates).

What's New? 

FacilityAXS™ reserves the spaces below for Members with special announcements about their businesses or the events they want to draw attention to. 

Oahu Business RadioX®

Join 75,000 Business Leaders who have shared their stories over the Business RadioX® Network.  Book and Share Your Story - It's FREE.


Find products to sell, market with ease, and fulfill under your brand. With Vendasta, you can deliver an amazing experience for your customers and truly make a difference.

The Computer Tutor helps purchase, set up, and personalization of computers & other electronic devices. We also tutor individuals, small businesses, and small groups on how to use those devices' software and apps.

In 2024 FacilityAXS will publish monthly news magazines with ads and articles submitted by businesses listed in our directory.

Don't be left out!  Let us know if you have a story or article that best represents your industry interests and ads you would like us to publish in one of our digital magazines.  Once we receive the contact information, we will contact you directly to begin the process, 

Sample News Magazines

News Magazine Archive