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Announcements / News / Press Release

Rewarding Customer Loyalty

Rewarding Customer Loyalty Online and Wherever They Travel

According to a Statista survey of 1,000 people, 92% of consumers use coupons when shopping.  The Coupons created by businesses listed with FacilityAXS can increase foot traffic for stores as well as online orders, which can lead to higher sales and revenue. 

Using coupons and free one-time-use offers can help build customer loyalty, raise brand awareness and provide a quick infusion of cash for your business.

axs2Deals offers listed members a unique advertising advantage as they are able to:

axs2Deals offers Consumers the ability to find and copy coupons in three (3) ways;

  1. Create and promote their coupons, 
  2. Link those coupons directly to their website and social media accounts.
  1. Download coupons via the app, 
  2. Copy QR code or Coupon from axs2Deals site,
  3. Redeem coupon at the  location

Showing Customer Loyalty

Encouraging customer loyalty begins when businesses enable them with EASY and CONVENIENT access to quality goods and services, without 


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