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Announcements / News / Press Release

DIY Online Marketing Tools

Enabling Thousands of Businesses to Connect with Their Target Markets

FacilityAXS Dashboard & Marketing Tools

The FacilityAXS Directory is a comprehensive platform designed to enhance the experience of building and managing membership-based websites. Key to this platform is the Member Dashboard, a central hub that provides users with access to a wide range of features and functionalities related to their membership.

Self-Service Member Dashboard

Each Member-Dashboard provides them access to a dynamic profile, with DYI marketing tools and features that enable them to manage and control their online marketing efforts from one place.

Profile Setup Video

Online Marketing Tool Samples

Depending on the Marketing Plan selected by members, these built-in marketing tools enable them to manage and control their online marketing efforts from one place.  

General Tools

The General tools cited below are built into the platform and are shared FREE across the full spectrum of member businesses, regardless of their business categories.

Specialized Tools 

The Specialized Tools are designed to target member audiences and are accessible to member businesses who purchase one of our PAID Marketing Plans.

General Tools - Available to all FacilityAXS Members at NO COST

Our Directory is Mobile Ready

Search Engine Optimization

 SSL Certification

 FacilityAXS uses a 100% “Mobile-First” solution. 

 SEO is having an optimized website that ranks well in search engines like Google and Bing. 

SSL is known best by two indicators that pop up in the URL bar when it’s installed: the green padlock and https:// When visitors see these items, they know that your website is safe and secure. 

One-Click Social Login

Social Media Links

Multi-Language Capable

86% of customers read online business reviews. 20% likely to leave a review. The One-Click Social Login gives members the ability to easily register and log in to your website using their existing Facebook and Google accounts. Members can add or remove their linked social accounts at any time from within their member dashboard.

Leveraging the power of social media is incredibly important if one is to engage the world-wide-web when marketing goods and services. That’s why FacilityAXS makes it easier than ever to seamlessly integrate our members' social media profiles with their social media accounts.

Growing and managing an international directory or membership website can be challenging…, especially if your members and users speak different languages. FacilityAXS' content can be translated into more than 110 languages

Specialized Tools: Available only w/ Paid Marketing Plans

Member Profile Analytics

The Member Profile Analytics provides members valuable data such as their number of profile views clicks to their website, and visits to their social media profiles – all broken down by day, month, and year. These statistics show how members are benefiting from our website.

Automated Lead Matching

increased online exposure creates opportunities to convert traffic into leads that can be automatically or manually matched to listed members.

Deals an Coupons

The Easy Coupon Code builder operates in conjunction with the axs2Deals Customer Loyalty App.  From their respective dashboards, Listed Members can create and publish deals and coupons at the push of a button that automatically posts on the axs2Deals app as well as on the Coupon Page.

Easy Coupons

Fetured Blog Slider

With the Featured Blog Article Slider, it is now possible to hand-select five featured articles to display permanently on a slider on your homepage. This feature is intended to work with the website blog as the administrator of the website needs to be able to control which articles will be displayed within the slider.

Featured Blog Slider

Auto Recurrng Events

A recurring event is an event that occurs more than once, according to a specified time interval, such as meetings, courses, and more.
The Auto-Recurring Events eliminates the need to manually repost events that repeat – simply set how often the event should repeat and your website will automatically do the rest

Button Link

Filter Star Ratings

An additional search filter for users to search members by their overall star rating.

Reply Member Review

Want to enhance the member reviews feature on your website? Give your members the ability to reply to customer reviews posted on their profiles on your website.  Not only will your members love this feature, but it also generates more unique website content — boosting your ranking in search engines.

Reply Member Review

Photo Gallery Previewer 

The Photo Gallery Previewer add-on provides additional information and interactivity to search result pages & member profile pages for posts that utilize photo albums – Classified Ads, Properties, Products, and more.
A scrollable “preview” photo album on search result pages is utilized by major websites such as Alibaba, Redfin, and Fiverr amongst many others.

Photo Gallary Previewer

Multi-Member Manager

Ideal for organizations with large staff/agents or multiple locations.  A sub-directory on the FacilityAXS platform, enabling sub-accounts to be created, edited, and deleted by a single account master administrator.  This capability is available only via our Enterprise Plan.

Enterprise Plan