Looking for an alternative to surgery? At QC Kinetix (Academy), we believe that everyone deserves a better alternative to surgery. Our biologic therapies are perfect for anyone seeking alternatives to joint pain treatments. Contact QC Kinetix (Academy) for a free consultation about Tucson joint pain treatment and Tuscon joint pain relief treatments. Our state-of-the-art biological therapies are an excellent solution for anyone seeking alternatives to surgery for shoulder pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, joint pain, arthritis pain treatment, or treatment for sports injuries. Alternative treatments for knee pain are available, and they can help you alleviate your symptoms as well as avoid the side effects of surgery. Contact us now to schedule an appointment with our medical team. Our staff will design a treatment plan that is just right for you. Call us today to schedule an appointment with our medical team. We look forward to helping you get you back to your life.