www.facilityaxs.net - FacilityAXS.net
Announcements / News / Press Release

What is FacilityAXS?

Your Online Business Directory, Connecting Consumers to Member Goods & Services

As a Business Directory, FacilityAXS is a Comprehensive Online Marketing Platform with a Local, National and Global Reach.

The Fundamentals of FacilityAXS

FacilityAXS was created with small to medium-sized businesses in mind.  Our mission is to help them Improve their business SEO and visibility, enhance their customer interaction and networking opportunities, and achieve the cost-effectiveness of their marketing, while boosting their competitive advantages through the multi-faceted strategies.

Member Access

Our First Primary Role is to connect consumers to businesses listed in our directory, by enabling our member-businesses to enhance their visibility with a wide range of built-in marketing tools.  These tools will empower them to manage and control the onloine presences at a fraction of the cost.
Digital Marketing Tools

Marketing Tools

Our Second Primary Role is to promote our member-businesses to markets they seek to serve. As details in our marketing plan, we effectively promote our member businesses across various markets, leverage their SEO through quality backlinks, and ensure sustained growth and visibility.
Our Marketing Strategy

Membership Pricing Plans

3rd-Party Affiliates & Partners

As a 3rd-Party Affiliate or Partner of various vendors, FacilityAXS is authorized to promote the products and services of such vendors.  Identified as Market Partners of FacilityAXS, these vendors are not only listed in our directory but also offer their products and services to other member businesses at discount rates on select digital products and services.  Any and all 3-rd Party pricing is seperated from the FacilityAXS Maembership Pricing Plans.

Business RadioX

BRX helps solopreneurs, professional organizations, and brands build the community via digital broadcasting.

Rainmaker Digital

Rainmaker provides digital marketing services + technology solutions for companies seeking innovative growth strategies

The SEO Queen

A transnational team that spans 3 continents ans includes software development, public relations, social media analytics, and seo analysts.

FacilityAXS, a local buyer's network with helpful information and tools.  A definite plus for my clients. - Wyatt Chambers, C.S. Design Studios - ONLINE MARKETING ...