www.facilityaxs.net - FacilityAXS.net
Announcements / News / Press Release

Market Partners

Partnering With FacilityAXS Means Greater Access to More Opportunities

Gain Complete Access to the FacilityAXS Business Listing - Become a Market Partner

- By Invitation ONLY - 

As listed Members themselves, Market Partners (aka, Affiliates) are 3rd-party vendors that are approved by FacilityAXS™️ to take advantage of our ever-growing marketplace of business opportunities from around the world. 

FacilityAXS™️ promotes its online directory to consumers worldwide 24/7. resulting in increased exposure for ALL of our members.

The results:

To date, approximately 500 new Businesses join us every week to access the online marketing tools available to them based on the Marketing Plan  they choose, 
  • Becoming a Market Partner  ... Although all listed businesses are entitled to the tools available in our Marketing Plans, only those that are invited to become a Market Partners will have access to the special offers stated herein.
When Consumers search our directory they connect and transact directly with any and all businesses offering the goods and services they seek, without added costs.

Business Opportunities

3rd-party vendors that are pre-approved as Market Partners can promote and sell their products through FacilityAXS to all other members.  This pre-approval enables them to take advantage of an ever-growing marketplace of business opportunities from around the world. 
This approval is based on their willingness to:
  1. Share their knowledge (Stories) via a podcast, which will be recorded and distributed at no cost (FREE) via FacilityAXS Affiliate, Business RadioX
  2. Sell their goods and services directly to other FacilityAXS Members and consumers at discounted rates, 
  3. Support FacilityAXS' mission to "Level the Playing Field" for small to medium-sized businesses.
  4. Become identified as a member of the FacilityAXS Team.

 Minimal Benefits

In addition to making marketing tools and other digital solutions available to all Member-Businesses, Market Partners can also:
Do business directly with other listed members, as well as be featured prominently on FacilityAXS  
Advertise on the FacilityAXS™️ homepage and in our news magazines. (Advertising Rate Card),
Enhanced marketing through multiple channels to promote their businesses, and
Additional business opportunities.

NOTE.  Market Partners offering specific services sought by our members are invited to participate as providers of Support Services, as requested by other  Members on an as-needed basis.   Under such circumstances, FacilityAXS does not share in the earnings of Market Partners.

Market Partnerships with FacilityAXS™️ are by "Invitation Only", so please schedule an interview call by clicking to button below

Book an Interview

NOTE.  If for any reasons, a Market Partnership is setup for you without an invitation direc tly from FAcilityAXS, the account will be deleted.