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Announcements / News / Press Release
Posted By on 03/22/2018 in Category 1

FacilityAXS PAID Members Receive FREE Leads

FacilityAXS PAID Members Receive FREE Leads

Increased online exposure creates opportunities to convert traffic into leads that can be matched to our "Paid Members".  

Effectively immediately:

  1. All NEW FacilityAXS Members will receive Automated Lead matches at no additional cost when selecting a PAID Marketing plan.
  2. All EXISTING FacilityAXS Members will receive Automated Leads matches at no additional cost when Upgrading from FREE to a PAID Marketing Plan.

Among other things, FacilityAXS specializes in generating traffic to its website and, in doing so, creates lead-opportunities for our members for which it would typically receive a payment. Effective immediately, through its Lead Module, FacilityAXS “matches” leads to all Paid Member-businesses AT NO COST

How it Works ...

There are two primary ways that our website generates leads for our members.

1. Member Forms

The primary source of leads come from site visitors trying to contact our members directly on their profile pages. FacilityAXS makes it possible for us to send the content of that lead to as many of our members as you like. Of course, we understand there are many instances where sending a lead to additional members does not fit a particular business model.

FacilityAXS always reads the messages sent prior to sending them to additional members. We often get many personal messages which are not useful to our members. Here is an example of a message that would be a poor candidate

“Tom told me that you change locations finally. That’s great! Where are you located now?”

2. Get Matched Forms

The “Get Matched” form is used to have general inquiries come to you directly to have matched to members that meet the criteria set by your website visitor. To put it simply, your website visitor is looking to be contacted by members of our website that are able to assist him/her.

This is a growing use of our online directories. Rather than spending hours browsing the Internet to find businesses that can help, site visitors can now fill a single form and have those businesses come to them!

If someone is looking for a carpenter in Detroit, we can send that inquiry to all of your members that are located in Detroit that have checked off “carpenter” as one of their specialties.

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