What is repipe ? Most customers don't really understand what happens or what too expect when repiping a home. Many people assume that repiping means that all there plumbing lines will be replaced both drain and water lines. Or that all plumbing problems will be resolved when they decide on repiping there home. This is not the case. When a Repipe Home Hero plumber suggests a repipe this usually in regards to pressurized leak . So what is and what is not included?
What is included in a repipe.
• Repipe usually consist of all water lines in the home all lines to each plumbing fixture.
• New hose conection
• All new valves under sinks and toilets
• New supply lines.
• New main shout off to your home and water heater.
• New laundry valves or box and new ice maker valve or box.
What is not included in a repipe.
• Water main from the city to the house. This lines is usually PVC or Polyethylene in newer homes . Older homes it can be copper.
• Drain lines all drain lines. This includes pipes underground. Pipes in walls and vents as well.