Professional Services
Pottsville, New South Wales, 2489
Many of us have been raised in a culture that tells us that we should be able to solve all of our problems and heal ourselves. This can be a very difficult place to come from when it comes to healing. As spiritual beings, we are much more than our physical bodies. The key to any form of spiritual healing is the willingness to let go of your old way of being and embrace who you are both as an individual being and as part of the greater whole of humanity (and beyond). The more we embrace our true nature as spiritual beings, the more we will discover that there is no need for suffering or pain anymore because everything will fall into place naturally if we just allow it to. Natalie Seigne is a practitioner of energy healing in Pottsville, New South Wales. She works with all levels of Reiki and also has extensive experience with other modalities, including hypnotherapy, past life regression therapy, and angel readings.
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