Our goal is to make it fun and easy for you, while still giving you the best possible photos, videos, and experiences. As a Northeast Ohio family photographer, we're here to give you a fun and authentic experience while still being your true self. We'll create an experience that will last a lifetime or two! We'll have a face-to-face meeting or a few video calls to get to know one another before we ever decide to work together. Following up on your email question, Jazz'mine Harsch Photography will give you a call that lasts 5 to 10 minutes. We'll ask you a few questions during this call to learn more about your session goals and to determine your availability. We'll briefly discuss our offerings before we start a discussion about the locations you're hoping to adorn with the artwork. Every session comes with digital images but we also offer printed products such as wall art, albums, folio boxes, and more, that are perfect for several spaces.
Email : hello@jazzandgloris.com