www.facilityaxs.net - FacilityAXS.net
Announcements / News / Press Release

Our Platform

Scalable, Adaptable, Flexible & Customizable - Serving the Needs of ALL Businesses

The technology that drives the FacilityAXS directory is comprehensive and adaptable to support virtually any business concept.  At its very heart is FacilityAXS' ability to offer each business listed with us its own unique environment, which is a privately branded password-protected dashboard. These dashboards give each listed business access to a wide range of online marketing and other tools that they manage and control themselves.  When these tools are leveraged to their full potential, members can promote their businesses online more easily and cost-effectively.  

Using These Marketing Tools, FacilityAXS has Successfully Grown Its Business by 67,000+ times in under 4 Years.

Examples of the Scalability, Adaptability, Flexibility, and Customizability of our Technology

▶︎ axs2Deals Customer Loyalty App

Available for use by all FacilityAXS members, enabling them to create and post deals to the Coupon Page and mobile app for consumer access.

▶︎ axs2Deliver

Ideal for entrepreneurs interested in establishing their own  Independent Delivery Services business, serving their local communities.

▶︎ Oahu Business RadioX

Offers local businesses the ability to share their stories with the local communities and build relationships.

▶︎ eXpert Source Directory

Listing of Subject Matter Experts from which event planners and others can draw to share their stories.

Each of the above is an example of how our core platform can be customized to serve the needs of different industries.  With the FacilityAXS Custom Plan, listed businesses can build their database of customers under their own privately branded sub-directory that can be linked directly to their websites.

Click here with any questions you may have about how we can customize our platform for your needs.  We set up a Zoom Presentation and discuss how our technology can be tailored to work in your environment.