If you need medical attention, our AFC Urgent Care Katy clinic offers medical services in Katy, TX to patients of all ages. We have made it extremely convenient for people to get the healthcare they need without having to make an appointment and wait. By the time you arrive at our walk-in clinic, you will be able to jump right back into your daily routine or continue ahead with your plans for the day. Our staff is dedicated to providing compassionate and respectful care during each person's time with us. The people we serve matter most to them and they want every patient to get back on their feet as soon as possible. We provide the care patients need when they need it, by providing urgent care in the Katy area. Our medical team will make sure all concerns are addressed and you're feeling good to go in no time.
Email - munibjamil@afcurgentcare.com
Website - https://www.afcurgentcare.com/katy/