Astrology,Numerology, Reflexology, Massage Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic, DistanceHealing, Universal Healing, Kinetic Mind, Various Symbol Based Therapy
We provideservices related to Mind Sciences, Astrology, Numerology, Reflexology, MassageTherapy, Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), EFT, Reiki, DistanceHealing, Universal Healing, Kinetic Mind, Various Symbol Based Therapy, WonderMassage Therapy, Colour Therapy, Chakras Balancing, Aromatherapy, Yoga, HappyHome, Happy Business and many other services. True happiness lies much beyondthe materialist world. It is just a matter of realization where we can take apath of spirituality and have a happy life. All you need is a proper guidancewhich can help to deal with your worries, depressions and anguish in life.Along with the help of proper positive energy.
We live in auniverse of vitality that supports and keeps up every living thing. When thereis no interruption in this energy it flows well by maintaining a harmony andbalance with everything around us, and we experience sense of well-being inlife. So by learning to maintain proper balance of these energies you canovercome with whatever field of life you are willing to achieve. It also helpsto have a proper stress free life.
We all aresurrounded by collection of energies which are positive as well as negative,which are called as the aura. When the negative energy increases in the aura,life loses its balance and it becomes difficult to get all balanced. Sometimeswe lose endurance to deal with the problems in life which then leads to mentaland physical illness.
UniversalCentre for Mind Sciences and Alternative Therapies Ltd is many decade’s oldorganization. Which deals with internal healing of your aura and gives you thegenuine bliss of life. We also provide Distance Healing, so you can take careof people you love and heal them even if they are far from you.
We also providecourses for Mind Sciences and Alternative/Complementary Therapies. So you alsocan offer professional help or you can practice it on yourself and the ones youlove. With many years of experience in the field of Mind Sciences andAlternative/Complementary Therapies, we always find the real cause and aconvenient solution to the problems. The beam of trust might be practicallyaround the corner, so visit us or call us and we will have the best possible solutionfor you.