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Los Angeles, California, 90045
Money Ritual … You might heard about it at some point and from various sources. However even if your reaction is skeptical to start with, you can’t help but to be a real curios. It’s perfectly fine! Been there, done that…
Today we will talk about money energy and how to attract them with simple Money Ritual. We all know that money attracts more money. Let’s try to turn the cash flow in our direction.
First light a candle, if possible the green ritual candle, that is best for Money Magic, specially prepared for this particular ritual. Use matches. Take all the change you have in your pocket and shake it, so it makes a sound, repeating three times in a row: “Money, Run and Hurry Up. Make (your name) Rich and Do Not Stop”.
All thoughts are material and it depends on whether the Universe will hear you. If money is that you want and you will perform Money Magic ritual, behave and ask nicely, higher power might answer. Regardless of your desire, You must strongly believe in your goal and channel your energy in that direction.