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Professor Ouele

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New York City, New York, 10001

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Professor Ouele is a multi-faceted personality. He is a teacher, musician, writer, motivational speaker, social activist, businessman, and an advocate for people with disabilities.

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Professor Ouele
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New York City, NY
New York City, New York, 10001
United States
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As a matter of fact, the different dimensions of Professor Ouele’s personality stem from a single factor, and that is his dedication to fighting injustice, hate, and bigotry and seeking justice for society’s most suppressed members. He wants to make the world a better place with his music and writing. His songs and books attempt to fight for bringing about change in the way we treat and discriminate against each other based on color, class, and creed. Professor Ouele strives to become the voice of those who are yearning to be heard and is playing, through his art, an active role in combating racism and standing alongside all those fighting hard against the systemic injustice, intolerance, hatred, violence, and crime prevailing in the society. His books and music, as well as speeches, aimed at creating unity and harmony in society.