(646) 760-4019
At DD Buyers, we’re strictly upstanding jewelry buyers who believe that our clients should get the best prices for their valuables. We’re committed to fair customer treatment, building good relationships with our customers and are a highly reputable organization.
That said, here are the things you need to lookout for when consulting with jewelry buying firms here in the big apple. Some of the things we’ll tell you may not be fancy. They may not even be what you want to hear, but we feel that as an upstanding company, it’s better to put it all out there so that you can make the right jewelry selling decisions.
Your gold, silver, diamonds and other precious metals are only as valuable as the amount a jewelry buyer in New York will pay for it. There are many factors responsible for the price of the jewelry. Jewelers tend to consider the provenance, the history, current market value, demand and fashion trends.